I don't love you. - 1 in English Fiction Stories by Aisha Sharma books and stories PDF | I don't love you. - 1

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I don't love you. - 1

This is a story of girl Ahana of 23 years old who lived in Ahmedabad, she loves adventures in her life but the family in which she is born they are so orthodox that they wouldn't allow her to go on hiking and trekking.
She completed her graduation because of her mother who go against her husband Sunil Kumar. Sunil just allow her to do graduation only and then they will arrange her with Parv who is his friend's son.
But Ahana don't want to marry with any guy .
In beginning,
she was reading newspaper and she saw an advertisement then she read the lines written over there . Once again our team is searching for youngsters who dream for adventures and our team will make their dreams come true. We are going to Pachmarhi hill for trekking............................
For further enquiry contact on 863..........07.
_Vikram singh
Your team captain

She asked her father to go there but he scolded her saying that she is going to marry Parv next month and it will better if she care about family reputation.
She listen her mother saying that they are going at Bhua's place because her husband has been admitted to hospital and they are going to know about his health.
As my mom notices me then she said that you can't come with us because our family has a custom that before marriage bride can't go anywhere and she has been called surekha aunty who is mother's mausi g means my nani g.

She decided to meet parv and at night
she find his number from his father phone quietly.
Would I speak to him or not ? Ok.. just call him will see. She dialed his number and as he take the call a sweet voice came from the other side. ,"Hello.. who is this?". It's me Ahana your father friend's daughter. "Oo .. I'm sorry I never listen your voice earlier,I just seen your picture . will it be ok that I'm talking to you ,she asked.
Yeah...why not,he replied.
Can I meet you tomorrow in town cafe at 2pm?,she asked.
Ok,.. but Is there any problem related to our marriage.
No no.... I want to discuss something to you.
Ok, meet you tomorrow.bye..
Bye.. he also said.
In morning,..
Her alarm clock start ringing...(trrrr..trrrr....), Whose needles are showing 6:45am.
She stopped the clock .
She wake up and starts brushing her teeth. Afterwards she went close to almirah and take a pretty blue dress from the place.
Then she hear her father is calling her..,"Ahana.. Ahana..".
Yes, Papa... coming..
She left the dress on bed and went out from the room.
G, Papa..
Hmm... your bhua g requested us to come fast so we are going by car and Nani g will reach home at 8:30am.
Ok,.. papa, she replied.
G, Mummy.. Today you have to do household chores and your Nani is tea lover whenever she ask for tea , please you should not refuse her.. ok..
Ok,.. mummy g.she replied.

Then they get into the car and she realized that they are gone.
Hmmm,..now how will I manage nani g.

She get busy into household chores and at last when she done almost all chores then she begins to wash dishes.
Suddenly house bell rings.(zzzz..zzz..)
"Coming,..."she sounds.
As she open the door she saw her nani g at the door.An old lady with short height who looks like 65-70 years old.
"Namaste,...nani g... how are you?".
"Ahana,.. my dear it's been a long time you know I saw you last time when you studied in twelveth class".
Then her sight fall on her suitcase. "suitcase"...Ahana utters.
Yeah! Dear,...now I will live here till your marriage
(0h..noo,.. what the hell?)
What happened?, she ask Ahana.
Nothing,..nani g. Please come inside.
(Ooo,...It's will be 11o' clock,.. what to do now? This is important for me to clear all the things I have in my mind,..)
"Ahana,dear,..give me tea", nani said.
(Uhhh!...)she showed fake smile. g...nani g.

She went to the kitchen and take her mobile and press the contacts icon. She call someone. ,"Hello.....

How will she manage her nani and will meet parv?
To know,.. keep reading readers.